Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sometimes it's the little things....

I went camping, with new friends Wayne & Donna, something I haven't done in...oh, probably 30 years or more. The food, friendship, and fun were unbeatable. The mosquitoes were terrible. I had a really great time! One afternoon Donna and I went for a walk around the campground and took quite a few photos of flowers, plants, scenic views, etc. I love taking pictures of flowers with the macro setting on my digital camera.

This is Bunchberry - a member of the dogwood family. Just identified it by searching online.

This I have always called Indian Paintbrush, but I find that it is Orange Hawkweed or Devil's Paintbrush.

I find it interesting that others have also called it Indian Paintbrush. I'm doing my searching in Google Images - using northern Wisconsin Wildflowers as my starting point.